活動量 社會行為24小時監測系統
活動量 社會行為24小時監測系統
活動量 社會行為24小時監測系統
活動量 社會行為24小時監測系統
適用活動率/活動量/生物節律/社會行為研究。 多箱式系統。
藉cage上方CCD camera抓取影像,透過軟體自動紀錄、分析儲存實驗影像宇資料。
24-hour monitoring system of locomotor activity and social behavior for mouse/rat
(8 cages system)
This system is for experiment to get the animal’s activity and sociability under the natural conditions. The system can experiments up to eight cages at the same time. The cage made of plastic. It is captured image from the top by a CCD camera on top of each cage. The food box and a watering bin fixed the side of cage not to disturb for taking image. If the animals have a black or a dark brown color, the cage should be white color. If the animals have white color, the cage should be a black color. TimeHC8 (single) is used for calculating single animal’s behavior in each cage. In this program, the image of animals for each frame is approximated as oval, the coordinate for the center of oval are calculated then saved as raw data. From these raw data, traveled distance and other result will be calculated. TimeHC8 (multi) is used for calculating more than two animal’s behavior in each cage. In this program, subject animal’s outline is plotted in each frame and capture for each pair of successive frames. And also number of particle number is measured. When only one particle is displayed, subject animals stay together inside the cage. It indicates social response of subject animals. The amount of area (pixels) which the animals moved is also measured. This area indicates total amounts of activity in a cage. The cage has a white LED light controller with 24 hours timer and an infrared light. It is possible to analyze activity for 24 hours and control for lighting.
藉cage上方CCD camera抓取影像,透過軟體自動紀錄、分析儲存實驗影像宇資料。
24-hour monitoring system of locomotor activity and social behavior for mouse/rat
(8 cages system)
System Components |
○Software for single & multi |
○Cage |
○LED light controller with 24 hours timer |
○Nine images switcher |